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Implementing data protection and managing it efficiently is a challenge to be faced by businesses around the world. In this sense, we share the text “Internet Insecurity” published by Harvard Business Review and authored by Andy Bochman, which addresses topics such as security in digital systems and the prevention to the cybercrimes.
We hope you enjoy it!
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Companies have until 2020 to adhere to the compliance program of the Federal District Government – Companies that provide services or products to the Federal District Government (GDF) have gained more time to comply with the Corporate Integrity Program, which consists a set of control mechanisms and procedures and audit to detect and remedy deviations, fraud, irregularities and illegal acts against the public administration of the Federal District. Companies now have until January 2020 to comply with the requirements of public notices. (Metrópoles, 06.24.2019)
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ILO approves Convention against violence and harassment at work – In the closing session of the organization’s annual conference in Genebra, the ILO has adopted the first Convention on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work. The instrument recognizes that such practices ” may constitute a violation or abuse of human rights. (Migalhas, 06.21.2019)
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CVM establishes a new leniency agreement and higher fines to the procedures – Instruction 607 has as main objective to guarantee the effectiveness of the agreements concluded, as well as to offer greater clarity to the dosimetry criteria of the penalties applied by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission in administrative sanctioning procedures (PAS). The standard shall come into force on 09.01.2019. (CVM, 06.17.2019)
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Criminalization of homophobia requires changes to the codes of conduct in Brazilian companies – The decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) has a direct impact on the corporate environment, resulting in a greater effort from companies to the inclusion of practices for the prevention of violations of gender identity and sexual orientation among its employees. (Folha, 06.14.2019)
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Forbes magazine publishes trends in data protection – Among the main measures are the attention to small businesses, the maintenance of personal cybersecurity habits and the protection of intellectual property. (Forbes, 06.12.2019)
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CGU launches a Game with a focus on fighting against corruption – The Brazilian Office of the Comptroller (CGU) has launched the 1st Edition of the Game, an initiative that aims an to engage adolescents and young people in the fight against corruption (CGU, 06.11.2019)
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The Governor of the State of Parana approves the law establishing Integrity Program – With the application of compliance methodology, the Government of Paraná increases the transparency of its actions, improves the fight against corruption, and determines efficient and reliable management of public resources. (Agência de Notícias do Paraná, 06.01.2019)
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To Know More
Based on the premise that corporate compliance programs must be continuously updated, we share a guide published by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) that seeks to harmonize recent norms with other departmental guidelines related to the violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
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